Typical Interview Questions.
Brush up on the kind of questions that you can expect to hear in an interview.
While you can't know exactly what your interviewer will ask you, there are a lot of standard questions that you are guaranteed to hear if you attend a few interviews in your job search. So be prepared and make sure you have answers prepared for the following!
Tell me about yourself
What are your interests outside work?
What motivates you?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Where do you want to be in 2 / 5 / 10 years' time?
How do you see this next job fitting into your career?
What are your short term and long term goals?
What has been your greatest achievement to date and your greatest regret?
Tell me about some of your accomplishments - both in your previous jobs and outside?
What duties do you particularly enjoy?
What do you enjoy doing least in work?
What first interested you in this job?
Why do you want this position?
Why do you want to work for our company?
Why should we employ you?
What qualifications do you have which you feel make you suited to it?
What would be the advantages to you joining us?
What would be the most challenging aspects of this job?
In what way could you make your best contribution?
Do you work well under pressure?
What to you is a pressurized environment?
Do you work well with people?
How do you feel about working in an environment where.........?
What are the most important skills and attributes a [role applied for] should have?
What are your reasons for leaving your previous employment?
What are your salary expectations? How have you arrived at this figure?
Do you have any questions you would like to ask? (ALWAYS make sure you can think of a few, as this shows you are interested in the job).